Whistleblowers can help ensure merchants’ honesty

Keep Zapper a safe, secure space
At Zapper, we’re proud to be a trusted platform – for both South African consumers and merchants. Therefore, your security is our priority. Despite our comprehensive safeguards, we know that sometimes people might attempt to exploit our services. That’s where you come in.

Be our eyes and ears.
If you notice anything unusual or suspicious about a merchant, customer or employee using Zapper, please report it to us. Your tip-offs help us take swift action against potential fraud, and we’ll ensure you remain anonymous.

Report to us
Rest assured, all reports are handled with strict confidentiality.

Email our risk team
Alternatively, you can email us at risk@zapper.com with the following information:
Who are you reporting?
Merchant, customer or employee name.
Link / contact details.
Provide any website links or contact information you have
Why are you reporting?
Describe what activity led you to submit this report.